
CEO Paul Lasiuk, of Healthy Interactions Diabetes and Digital Health Company at AADE17 Conference

Indianapolis, Indiana, August 4 - 6   Healthy Interactions, the leading diabetes engagement and digital health company participated on a digital health panel at the AADE17. The panel discussed the progress in diabetes management made possible by technology, educators’ role in shaping the future of digital health, and explored why the field has not yet taken hold at this point. Educators play a critical role in shaping digital health and helping patient adherence.

Paul Lasiuk, CEO and co-Founder of Healthy Interactions, outlined four key reasons why, despite his estimate that ~$8 billion has been invested in digital health this year, a large chunk of the capital most likely won’t prove fruitful: (i) There’s a massive disconnect between consumer and healthcare use – getting people to be active in their healthcare management has not translated very well, thanks in part to a systemic culture of viewing clinicians as responsible for fixing problems; (ii) The most common diabetes demographic, that of a slightly older population, views the smartphone strictly as a phone and not a device with wide-ranging uses; (iii) In a space occupied by 165,000 apps (of which more than 1,100 are diabetes-related), the digital health world is a crowded, confusing place with ambiguous regulation; and (iv) Reimbursement issues are a major barrier. For all of these reasons, Mr. Lasiuk cautioned that digital technology is not a silver bullet, and easing of patient burden must be emphasized.

Our goal is to simplify digital use for the diabetes educators so that they will know what types of questions to ask in real time throughout conversations with patients.

About Healthy Interactions

For over a decade, Healthy Interactions has created innovative approaches to improving the outcomes of chronic conditions. Our programs focus on creating a meaningful and ongoing dialogue between health care providers and health care consumers. We design the right tools to create a structured interaction that can be delivered in a one-on-one environment or in small groups. Our digital tools support health care consumers in moving toward their goals with information, tracking, and ongoing peer and health care professional interactions. The result of our programs is consumers that are more active partners in their health, which improves the outcomes of their diseases.

We offer more than 200 programs, and have become a global leader in Diabetes. We provide our programs to health systems and clinics in the U.S., and have pharmaceutical sponsors that provide our programs throughout the world.