This blog is very special to me as I have the pleasure of interviewing my professional mentor, someone who makes my work easy and exciting: Paul Lasiuk, CEO of Healthy Interactions. The reason this is a good time to talk with Paul, is that Healthy Interactions as you know it, has transformed beyond just a Conversation Map enterprise. We are now a leading provider of integrated population health management solutions that improve patient outcomes and lower health care costs. I am happy to see this transition as it reflects the needs of healthcare providers like myself, adding digital and technology to further support the needs of people with diabetes and other conditions. Steve Jobs once said “It’s not faith in technology, it’s faith in people.”I can relate to that, as I am thinking what Healthy Interactions is doing today will impact the life of those with diabetes and healthcare providers.
Paul, why are a pure digital diabetes solutions a bust?
Digital Health Investment is on track to set a new record this year of $8.3B. Digital Health Investment is a broad category, certainly beyond the scope of Healthy Interactions. That said, we believe that investment into pure digital solutions for people with diabetes (PWD) has been a bust. The data from respected journals like JAMA (HeartStrong Study) and JMIR (eHealth Interventions Study) and from industry is realizing that the promise of pure digital solutions to improve engagement, improve patient outcomes and lowering cost have not materialized. Additionally PEW published a study (Tech Adoption Among Older Adults) that highlights the fact that only 42% of people of the demographics of the average person with diabetes owns a smartphone. Over 70% want to have someone in-person show them how to use it, and over 70% are still not confident in using it. In summary, digital has a role, for sure. But there are multiple factors driving the disappointment results of pure digital diabetes solutions.
Paul, what makes Healthy Interactions model so unique?
Healthy Interactions model uniquely integrates in-person and digital platform has yielded improved patient outcomes, improved patient care plan compliance, improved patient Rx compliances, improved economics for both fee for service hospital and at-risk health systems, and improve patient net promoter and quality measures. Healthy Interactions reimbursable in-person Conversation Map programs provide the optimal venue to on-board patients with diabetes to the digital engagement platform. Further, the construct of the multiple session Conversation Map program provides both the HCP and the patients multiple contextual interactions to advance patient comfort and use of the digital engagement platform. The Healthy Interactions Model provides the optimal patient on boarding occasion and structured contextual interactions to build digital comfort and use.
Paul, how will the Digital Engagement Platform (DEP) make my life easier as a diabetes educator?
Diabetes educators are partnering with PWD by facilitating knowledge, skills, and ability to manage diabetes on a daily basis. However, most of the actual education takes place without a diabetes educator around, as adult learning is not like in school, when we are taught a lesson and then given a test. In diabetes, the opposite happens, when PWD are given the test that teaches them a lesson. DEP helps PWD to learn from their own experience when they come up with a situation to their own problems. It is more like real life situational problem solving that PWD need in order to learn from demonstration and teach back method. That is why our DEP is there for PWD when they need access to their diabetes educator, coach, information and support required for implementing coping skills and behaviors needed to self-manage diabetes.
Thanks Paul, for this conversation. I see our DEP as a means to closing a loop in diabetes education. As you know, I have been using the Map tools for the last ten years, and felt like something was missing after my patients completed all of the Map sessions. I kind of missed them and felt I was not there when they needed me. Even though I always gave them my phone number and email, I know that PWD feel they do not want to bother me. That is why it is great to stay in touch with our patients and truly develop therapeutic relationship with them in order to best assist them in reaching their goals. The way I look at it, Map activates while DEP engages. Happy to be part of a solution for real life empowerment and intervention that does not end but continues, and is there when needed!
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