

How it Works - Download pdfPersonal Health EngagementTM Model and Conversation Map® Programs – Enabling Effective Behavior Change to Impact Health

Personal Health Engagement (PHE) programs, developed by Healthy Interactions, are built on the philosophy that people respond better when they are involved, empowered, and come to their own conclusions as to why they need to change behaviors that will ultimately have an impact on their health.

The Conversation Map education tools are one of the vehicles used within PHE programs. Conversation Map experiences allow for information sharing, peer support and the clinical intervention needed to prepare a person for optimal self-management and care. Read more.

Download Position PaperCreating the Foundation for Personal Health Engagement™ and Self-Management Education

Conversation Map™ education tools, and the educational programs developed by Healthy Interactions, are built on the philosophy that people respond better when they are involved, empowered, and come to their own conclusions as to why they need to change behaviors that will have an impact on their overall health. Read More.